Valve looks to be turning its sights to Steam’s downloads page. The developer has been gradually updating and overhauling many of Steam’s pages and components, with the big 2019 library update being its most recent project. According to SteamDB’s Pavel Djundik, Valve added new code for Steam’s downloads page in Steam’s most recent beta update, the same one that leaked the SteamPal handheld. The new downloads page, seen below, largely retains the existing layout.
Outside of the sharper art style that brings it more in line with other parts of Steam, the page continues to list current and peak download speeds, disk usage, and the size of all the downloads made during the session. If you’re limiting download speeds, that limit will also be displayed. Below that, the current rows of of Queued, Scheduled, and Completed remain. This is all in all a smaller update, meant mostly to make the page visually consistent with Steam’s modern look. According to Djundik, you may even be able to see it for yourself by entering this URL: “steam://nav/library/downloads”, but it looks like it’s not displaying correctly for everyone. Djundik added that Valve is also working on a similar revamp for Steam’s ancient settings page, which is itself in need of a visual update. Considering code for the new look is already in the files, a public rollout should not too far behind.