The project was shared by a Reddit user named Branman1234. You can check out their post below, which features a guided tour around a blocky, Minecraft rendition of the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary south of Falkreath. If you’re familiar with Astrid’s Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, you’ll be able to recognize the immense detail present in this reconstruction. From the moment you walk in, you can see the room off to the left where Astrid so often resides, while pressing straight through to the main chamber will bring you right up to an immediately familiar pool of water. Archery stands line this chamber’s back wall, while the next room over provides you with a view of the small water pit Babette’s Frostbite Spider often hangs out in. The next room is where you get your contracts from Nazir, while going upstairs brings you to where new, unnamed Dark Brotherhood recruits rest their weary, assassin-y heads. Most important and recognizable at all, though, is the Night Mother’s crypt, visible on the top floor. It’s on the other side of the wall you see from the main chamber, and this Minecraft version of the Sanctuary actually has a proper Night Mother hanging out in the coffin - best you don’t get in, though, unless you’re keen on hearing whispers about villagers in need of a visit from the Black Hand.
In related news, award-winning Skyrim mod The Forgotten City is due to launch as a standalone game this winter. Meanwhile, 14 years later, Oblivion is still hilariously broken - to the extent that people still get drunk and cosplay Oblivion’s Adoring Fan. Here’s what Skyrim looks like with over 300 mods installed. One particular mod, Apotheosis, actually brings you all the way back to Oblivion.