PUBG Corp. has announced that PUBG owners on current-gen consoles will be able to continue playing the game at the launch of PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. The bad news is that because this is the backwards-compatible version, it won’t really take advantage of the new hardware. More specifically, the developer confirmed that the PS5 version will run the PS4 Pro version, and the Xbox Series X build will be the one currently available on Xbox One X. Xbox Series S, on the other hand, will only get access to the inferior Xbox One S version. This is a bit disappointing, as it means the experience will only be marginally better on the new consoles. PUBG’s patch 9.1 will, however, finally offer an option for framerates up to 60fps on PS4 Pro and Xbox One X, and the same option can be selected on next-gen consoles. The only version left in the cold is the one on Xbox Series S, seeing as it’s going to be loading up the Xbox One S build. PUBG Corp. says it’s working on making 60fps an option for the base consoles, but until then, you’ll be limited to 30fps on One S and Series S. “After rigorous testing, we’re pleased to say that the game performance is extremely smooth and stable, with faster loading and little to no frame drops thanks to the power of next-gen,” the developer wrote, making no particular promises about a fully-capable next-gen update. Beyond that, you should expect all your current account data, settings and purchases to carry over. Cross-platform multiplayer will likewise be there, spanning all of the game’s console versions. For more on PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, check out our pre-order guides.