If you want to advance in your chosen faction, you’ll have to put in the effort to raise your reputation and take on some additional quests. The quests themselves are fairly straightforward, though the requirements for unlocking them are rather vague.
New World Trials - Trial of the Gladiator
Trials of the Gladiator is the first Marauders progression quest, but you’ll need to put in a fair bit of work before you can get to it. Trial of the Gladiator unlocks once you reach level 25, and need to have at least 3,000 faction reputation. If you’re struggling to advance in your faction, take on some faction quests or start a little war to earn more faction experience. Once you’ve met the requirements, travel to Cutlass Key and engage the pirate captain Hamidou in battle. He’s particularly weak against Nature — Gems can help add Nature to your attacks if you want to exploit this weakness — and Ice. Don’t use Thrust attacks, though, since Hamidou has high resistance to those. Speak with Ravager Silas in the Cutlass Key settlement after the fight to complete the quest. Along with your shiny new Gladiator rank, you’ll get:
1,540 XP 1,500 Marauder Tokens 20 Azoth 96.25 Coins
New World Trials - Trial of the Scrivener
Trial of the Scrivener is a similar quest, but for the Syndicate faction. As with the Gladiator quest, you’ll need 3,000 faction reputation, so go knock some other factions about if need be and hit level 25 while you’re at it. The quest won’t appear at all until you reach level 25. Trial of the Scrivener is a bit more involved. Speak with Laurentius Krockes in the Syndicate Brightwood base, and he’ll task you with defeating Gheist Malikor. Travel south to Walsham’s Field, then place the absorption item to summon the specter.
Malikor is highly weak to Nature and slightly weak to ice, but very strong against lightning. It’s not a difficult fight, but make sure you bring some restorative items along anyway. Speak with Laurentius again, and you’ll get:
1,540 XP 96.25 Gold 1,500 Tokens 20 Azoth
If you’re struggling to hold your own in New World’s faction challenges, check out our recommendations for best weapons and best builds to make sure you’re fighting fit for anything Aeturnum throws your way.