Souvenir’s Light Pillar is the name of an incredibly useful Monster Hunter World mod. It simply gives item drops a clear colour highlight in the form of a 3D light beam that makes it easy to spot and pick them up. The mod, created by 2hh8899, offers distinct colours for the different drops you typically come across in the game’s world. Things like monster drops, slinger ammo, bandit mantles and so on are no much easier to identify, especially in hectic moments. The mod has been available since the game’s original release, and was recently updated with support for Iceborne. The thick snow of Hoarfrost Reach makes the mod even more indispensable. You can download it from Nexus mods. Just be sure to back up your save files, just in case, as Iceborne’s release has caused a few issues for some players.

If you haven’t already, be sure to hit up our updated guides for how to upgrade your harvest box, and how to unlock the Raider Ride in Hoarfrost Reach. If you’re struggling in Iceborne, read up on the highest-damage weapon trees in Monster Hunter to plan what you’re going to grind.