According to a post published on Twitter, Neubauer died after a “sudden medical emergency” and passed away on January 4, aged 39. “He was the absolute best,” the message states. “We are devastated, overwhelmed with grief, and we already miss him dearly.” Neubauer was the seven-time winner of the Classic Tetris World Championship and was regarded by many as one of the best Tetris players ever. Neubauer began playing Tetris when he was just 8 years old, picking up the classic NES version of Tetris after seeing the game on the cover of Nintendo Power magazine. Neubauer became known for his unconventional style of play; often erratic and unpredictable, he would set up boards that seemed messy to other Tetris players – only to clear them with deft ease shortly afterward. The Classic Tetris World Championship organizers have published a message honoring Neubauer and his legacy, too: “Jonas, we miss you, we love you, and we thank you for inspiring us to always be our best," the message reads. “All the love to his wife Heather, his mother Sharry, his family, and friends. Rest in peace, our mighty hero.” A GoFundMe memorial fund has been set up in order to support set up for Neubauer’s family. A message on the site reads: “Jonas was a master of Tetris, a denim enthusiast, an ambassador to Albacete, Spain, and an expert food try-er in the house of Ravenclaw. “His enthusiasm for everything was contagious and inspiring, and he always found ways to make any situation incredibly fun.” Rest in peace, Jonas.