The new map has several locations you can find the Device, though, so it shouldn’t take too long to locate one. Just keep an eye out for other players, since these may be hotly contested thanks to the rewards they offer.
How to discover the Device in Fortnite
So far, we’ve found a handful of Device locations scattered across the map. The image below shows a few of them in easier to find, or out-of-the-way areas, ones you should be able to grab after landing without facing too much competition. Discover the Device locations in Fortnite All Devices are located inside the futuristic, rounded Seven buildings, so you’ll know you’re on the right track when you see those. The Device is a briefcase you can interact with the same as any other chest or cache on the field. Once you grab it, you’ll automatically get 25,000 XP and clear the quest. There’s some indication the Device is part of a longer questline that may run through Chapter 3 and that it has some kind of tie to the foundation. For now, though, that’s all you need to do with the Device, so don’t linger too long in case someone else comes along with the same idea you had. There’s still plenty more to come in the next few weeks, but while we’re waiting, tackle some of the other new Fortnite challenges to help pass the time. The northeastern Device location is on the same island as the signal jammers, so if you have time to spare, you can get an additional 25,000 XP for clearing that quest. If you manage to win the match or place in the top four, you’ll also earn the Victory Crown, an item that boosts XP earned through eliminations. And if you get tired of battle royale, there’s always Deathrun to change things up a bit.