This guide will take you through all of the above, so that you know exactly what to do once you’re first introduced to this new system and all its perks.
How do you access weapon crafting?
Throughout the progress of the story in Witch Queen, you’ll be sent to Mars on a quest called “The Relic”. Once there you’ll be introduced to the weapon crafting system in full, as you craft The Enigma legendary glaive. This is your first personalised weapon you get, and allows you to then go out and hunt for additional weapon crafting recipes in the Throne World. Once you have one, you’ll be able to build specific weapon types with hand-picked traits and attachments so you can make the perfect gun for your individual preferences.
How do you craft a weapon?
When crafting a weapon, you first have to pick out what type of weapon you want to build - through ‘Shaping it’ at the Relic on Mars. You earn these through completing a weapon’s Deepsight Resonace challenge, a pseudo kill tracker that provides the weapon base once you shoot your way through enough enemies. As you travel across Destiny 2, you’ll pick up random weapons through a variety of activities as normal. However, some weapons will have the special Deepsight Resonance ability, which makes one of those weapons’ available to earn permanently craftable. All you’ll have to do is fulfil a certain objective with that Deepsight Resonance gun, then it’s all yours to use as you wish Following that, you’ll need to pick out what attachments,traits and intrinsics you want to attach to your gun-to-be! These are acquired through leveling up your crafted weapon. Intrinsics significantly boost a certain aspect of the gun such as handling or range, while attachments and traits provide largely the same bonuses as they would on a typical gun. The only exception is Enhanced Traits, which are essentially extra powerful traits that are availale on certain guns.
What resources do you need?
There are a selection of resources that you need for weapon shaping and altering, these include: Glimmer - Cash! gained from literally every activity in the game Enhancement Cores - chance to gain from dismantling legendary gear Resonant Alloy - gained from dismantling weapons Neutral Element - A reward you always recieve from completing Deepsight Resonance. Ascendant Alloy - Obtained from weekly campaign missions in the Throne World and Witch QUeen offensives. Can also be cought from the Cryptarch or Banshee-44. Adriot Element - Optional reward from Deepsight Resonance Ruinous Element - Optional reward from Deepsight Resonance With that, we’ve reached the end of this Destiny 2: Weapon Crafting guide! For more info on The Witch Queen, check out our guides on the new light level caps, as well as when The Witch Queen is set to go live across major time zones.