Since the song released, eagle-eared (that’s a thing, right?) listeners have been noticing similarities between its synth melody and the Plants vs. Zombies theme tune.
Hell, the official PvZ account tweeted about it back in May last year: To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Pl?nts vs. Z?mbies (@PlantsvsZombies) May 9, 2019 Eilish recently admitted that the similarities are no coincidence. “You know what it literally is?” she asks in her video interview with Rolling Stone. “It’s literally Plants vs. Zombies.” Check it out below:
If you’re wondering how the two melodies mash up, we’ve got you, fam.
This isn’t Elish’s first video game connection either. Only the other week, the internet collectively lost its mind when people realised the singer’s mum, Maggie Baird, played Samara in Mass Effect 2.